Steve Gonsalves, Owner and Operator of The Kwini Club in Shelburne: “Vermont is excited for the upcoming year after his recent Power Tee upgrade to the driving range“
In May of 2021, Steve had Power Tee installed at The Kwini Club. After seeing a couple Power Tee ranges in the New England area buzzing with customers, he knew he needed to bring this to his range. Steve has upgraded from his original lineup to now 13 machines at his facility. Steve and his staff found that his customers loved Power Tee so much, they needed to add more.
Steve Gonsalves has worked in the golf industry as a Class A PGA Member for 26 years, as well as a teaching professional for more than 33 years. Steve has always considered himself to be at the forefront of technology when it comes to golf. Gonsalves said, “I see Power Tee at the front of the line when it comes to technology in golf. I have multiple indoor simulators here along with my facility in South Burlington, Gonzo’s HD Sports where we have 8 HD Golf Simulators. When looking to enhance our outdoor range, Power Tee was the perfect product.” Steve said Power Tee has been a hit with the customers so far, he’s excited for the increase in Power Tee bays and knows the customers will enjoy it.
The Kwini Club is one of the many customers of ours that have reiterated they’ve seen an uptick in repeat buyers after using Power Tee. Steve said, “Seeing people come back up to buy another bucket of balls has been amazing to see, from young kids all the way to our senior customers, they are continuing to buy more balls.” Power Tee is great for seniors as they don’t have to put so much strain on their back by continuing to bend over to tee up the ball after every swing.
Being the only facility in Vermont with Power Tee, coupled with the integration of Top Tracer on his range, Steve has solidified The Kwini club as one of the premiere facilities in the state. To go along with the driving range, Kwini also has two 5,000 square foot putting and chipping greens, two practice bunkers and a wedge area where players can practice shots anywhere from 10- 50 yards.
Owner of Power Tee, Martin Wyeth says, “It’s an exciting time in the world of golf. Driving Ranges and golf clubs are continuing to enhance and upgrade their facilities. What Steve is doing at The Kwini Club is exactly what places should be doing, putting in the effort and continuing to grow will bring in more customers. We appreciate Steve upgrading with us and know his customers will continue to enjoy Power Tee”.
About Power Tee
Power Tee is the world’s premier automated teeing system and is currently installed and featured at 80% of the golf ranges in the U.K including St. Andrews, The Belfry, and Celtic Manor. Power Tee offices are in Jacksonville, FL, and Swindon, U.K., Power Tee is currently automating the bays in ranges in 18 countries, teeing up more than 6 million balls each day.
About The Kwini Club
The Kwini Club is a 30 acre “masterpiece” and the Ultimate Practice facility. The practice facility features a 30- station hitting area (20 with grass tees and 10 with Power Tee and Top Tracer) with 20 target flags ranging from 10 – 300 yards. A wedge range measuring 50 yards long and two full scale chipping and putting greens. Stop by and see us at 5353 Spear Street in Shelburne, Vermont.